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In truth, I have put my trust in Allah, (who is) my Lord and your Lord. There is no crawling creature that Allah does not take by the forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a Straight Path. (Surah Hud: 56) Kerana sesungguhnya aku telah berserah diri kepada Allah, Tuhanku dan Tuhan kamu! Tiadalah sesuatupun dari makhluk-makhluk yang bergerak di muka bumi melainkan Allah jualah yang menguasainya. Sesungguhnya Tuhanku tetap di atas jalan yang lurus.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Nu'ayman ibn 'Amr: Here's a gift. But pay for it!

Once Nuayman went to the suq and saw some food being sold which appeared to be tasty and delightful. He ordered some and sent it to the Prophet as if it were a gift from him. The Prophet was delighted with the food and he and his family ate of it. 

The vendor of the food then came to Nuayman to collect the price of it and an-Nuayman said to him: "Go to the Messenger of God it was for him. He and his family ate it." .. 

The vendor went to the Prophet who in turn asked Nuayman: "Didn't you give it to me?" "Yes," said Nuayman. "I thought you would like it and I wanted you to eat some of it so I had it presented to you. But I don't have any dirhams to pay the vendor for it. So, pay, O Messenger of God!" 

The Prophet had a good laugh and so did his companions. The laugh was at his expense, literally, for he had to pay the price of the unsolicited gift. Nuayman felt that two benefits came out of the incident: the Prophet and his family ate food that they enjoyed and the Muslims had a good laugh! 

From Alim Online 

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